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Hypnotherapy Sessions

Experience the power of Hypnotherapy

Have you ever found your mind drifting off while driving so that when you get to your destination you have little recollection of actually driving there? You were in hypnosis: that is, your conscious mind was distracted by your thoughts, so your subconscious mind took the wheel to get you there safely. 

Hypnosis is a completely natural state of mind that we are all able to slip in and out of easily, and as with the above example, we actually do so on a daily basis.


When we are in hypnosis, we dip out of our rational, analytical, conscious state of mind and shift into the subconscious part of our mind.


Our subconscious mind is where so many things are happening that we aren't necessarily aware of. It runs all our programs, habits and beliefs beneath the surface. It's here in hypnosis that we can create powerful positive change, shift our thinking and create new resourceful habits to help us thrive.


Hypnotherapy is an effective and empowering modality, allowing you to take control of your life by working directly with your own inner wisdom.

I offer a free, no obligation phone consultation prior to booking any appointments.

What can I help you with?

Weight management

Anxiety and low mood

Habit and lifestyle change

Self confidence

Direction and life purpose

2 to 3 initial sessions are recommended to track your progress

and help reinforce any changes going forward.


Can I get stuck in Hypnosis?

You cannot get stuck in hypnosis anymore than you can get stuck in a daydream! You are conscious the entire time and have full autonomy over what you say and do while in hypnosis.

What does hypnosis feel like?

Being in hypnosis just feels a bit like daydreaming or zoning out. You're still fully conscious and aware of what's going on around you, but your rational mind steps out for a while so that your subconscious mind can come to the forefront. It's here that you can be open to positive suggestions and reprogram any unhelpful habits or behaviours.

Will I remember the session or have amnesia?

This differs for each individual and really makes no difference to the efficacy of the session. Some people remain fully aware and remember every detail, others tend to zone out into a deep trance and have a patchy memory or little recollection of the experience. There is no right or wrong way to experience hypnosis and most people remember the process as much as they would any normal conversation.

If I don't 'feel' like I'm hypnotised, does it mean it hasn't worked?

Every person responds differently to hypnosis and there is no right or wrong way to feel. The good news is that you don't need to 'feel' like you are hypnotised in order for it to be an effective modality for you. All you need to do is close your eyes and follow my instructions for hypnosis to work for you. The hypnotic experience will feel different for everyone, and won't always look like it does on the tv or internet.

Will I get a recording of my session?

This is client dependent, sometimes I will record the session for you, other times it isn't required. If we are working together over several sessions for something like weight management, I may make you a recording for you to listen to daily between our sessions. Repetition is key to strengthening brand new neural pathways and making new habits stick!


If you are interested in booking a Hypnotherapy session or have any further questions, please fill your details out below and I will contact you ASAP.


Appointments are available in person at my Whangarei office and online via Zoom.

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