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Hypnotherapy and Holistic Healing

A place of no judgment and complete confidentiality, you'll find a safe and supportive environment to hold space for your needs right in the centre of Whangarei.

I believe we all have the answers we need already deep within us, and I love to help people connect with their truth as they awaken to themselves.

With Hypnotherapy, we tap into the power of the unconscious mind to change habits, limiting beliefs and behaviours. This is an effective and powerful modality for those that are truly ready for positive change in their life.


With Reiki, we utilize the energy of the universe around us, creating space for your own healing and self-mastery.

Hypnotherapy sessions are available in person in my office in Whangarei as well as online via Zoom.

Click below to learn more and see qualifications:

What people say

Lesa, Whangarei

 Having tried hypnotherapy before without much success, I've been amazed at the progress I've made with Sarah. She has helped me address and overcome issues with food and depression that I've struggled with for over 20 years.
I absolutely recommend giving a hypnotherapy session with Sarah a go.

Catherine, United Kingdom

Sarah has a natural talent. She has given me a Reiki treatment both over a distance and in person. Every single time, she is able to home in on specifics both physically and emotionally and work with the energy to help me heal where needed.

Sharon, Whangarei

Sarah is intuitive and her guidance through my hypnotherapy and past life regression was an amazing experience that has help me with some areas of my current life giving me a better understanding and answers to questions I'd held for many years.

Reiki Therapy

Get in touch


Sarah Clinker

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